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How to Cook Fried Cottage Cheese Pie Recipe

"Fried Cottage Cheese Pie Recipe,Ingredients:,How to Make Fried Cottage Cheese Pie Recipe:"

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Fried Cottage Cheese Pie Recipe

Fried Cottage Cheese Pie Recipe

Dalgano - Russian Food | Cottage cheese dough for pies is not often used in home cooking. And in vain, professional chefs assure, because such dough is very easy to prepare and very tasty when eaten. Fried meat pies made from curd dough are very good.

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  • 250 grams Soft cottage cheese
  • 100 grams of Kefir
  • 2 eggs
  • 500 g Flour
  • 500 g Minced meat
  • 1 onion
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 pinch ground black pepper
  • 1 cup Vegetable oil for frying

How to Make Fried Cottage Cheese Pie Recipe:

  1. First, knead the curd dough for the pie. In a deep bowl, mix kefir with cottage cheese. Add eggs and mix.
  2. Gradually add the sifted flour and knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands. After that, let the dough rest for a while, about 15-20 minutes.
  3. To prepare the minced meat filling, add the onion, cut into small cubes, mix. Don't forget to add salt and pepper to the meat filling for pies.
  4. Next, roll the dough into a sausage and divide it into equal parts. Roll each piece of dough into a small cake.
  5. Place a small amount of minced meat in the center of each cake. Pinch the edges of the tortilla to form a scallop, then turn the patty over and press gently.
  6. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the meat pie over low heat on both sides.
  7. Fry each side until golden, 4-5 minutes. Serve hot fried cottage cheese pie. As a dip for pies, you can use sour cream, ketchup, or mayonnaise. Enjoy your meal!