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How to Cook Canederli with Puzzone at Moena

"How to Cook Canederli with Puzzone at Moena,"

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How to Cook Canederli with Puzzone at Moena

How to Cook Canederli with Puzzone at Moena

Dalgano - Italian Food | This is the Delicious Recipe for Canederli al Puzzone in Moena, a variant of the classic recipe we made in the kitchen of Agritur El Mas, in Moena. A delicious, delicious, and easy first course to prepare if you follow our recipe!

Dumplings, as we know, are one of the most traditional recipes in Trentino-Alto Adige, of which there are different variations, depending on the region. We prepared this recipe at Moena, at Agritur El Mas, green Michelin star. Since Moena is the home of Puzzone, we couldn't help but take that into account in the preparation of this first regional dish.

The recipe was created by Stefano Croce, the chef of the Agritur, who suggests that if you are not very familiar with the preparation of the dumplings, you should steam them as this reduces the risk of the dumplings crumbling. A system that doesn't respect traditional cuisine, but can be a valuable help in getting the perfect result.

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For the dumplings:

  • 450 g stale bread
  • 4 eggs
  • 360 ml milk
  • 200 g Puzzle at Moena
  • 40 grams of scallions
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 6 grams of salt

For the dressing:

  • butter
  • 13 grams of scallions
  • 20 g Trentingrana
  • pepper

How to Make Canederli with Puzzone at Moena:

  1. To prepare Puzzone di Moena dumplings, start by cutting the stale bread into large crumbs and the Puzzone di Moena into pieces, approximately the same size, about 1 cm. This way the cheese will be distributed more evenly. Chop the scallions and scallions, which we will use the less noble part, the ends, which are more colorful and serve only for flavoring. Then fry the onions in a frying pan.
  2. In a large enough bowl, first mix the dry ingredients: bread, cheese, scallions, scallions, and salt. Once well mixed, add the eggs, milk and mix everything together, adding salt and pepper if necessary. A simple trick to keep the dumplings from opening while cooking is to add 2 tablespoons of flour, it won't make the dough hard because it's small but will make it denser during cooking.
  3. With the mixture, form balls of the desired size. If you want them to have an organized appearance, you can help yourself with a large serving of ice cream. You can cook the dumplings in boiling (salted) water or vegetable stock for 10/13 minutes. Or steam it for 15-20 minutes if you are afraid it will open. Heat some melted butter in a small skillet and add the dumplings to season it.
  4. Finish on a plate by pouring melted butter, grated Trentingrana, and finely chopped scallions. Your Puzzone di Moena dumplings are ready to serve.