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How To Make Dalgano Coffe Recipes With Chocolatos

"Dalgano Coffe Recipes With Chocolatos,Dalgano Coffe Recipes With Chocolatos,Some of the ingredients of Dalgano chocolatos coffee:,Steps to process Dal"

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Dalgano Coffe Recipes With Chocolatos

Dalgano Recipes - Dalgano Chocolatos Coffee You can process Dalgano Coffe Chocolatos with 7 ingredients and 4 ways. This drink is suitable for cafes and restaurants. Here are the steps to make Dalgano coffee with Chocolatos drink:

How To Make Dalgano Coffe Recipes With Chocolatos
Dalgano Coffe Recipes With Chocolatos

Some of the ingredients of Dalgano chocolatos coffee:

  • Prepare 1 sachet of chocolatos.
  • Prepare 3 tablespoons of cold water.
  • Prepare 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar.
  • Prepare 1/2 teaspoon of SP.
  • Prepare ice cubes as needed.
  • Prepare warm water as needed to brew milk/coffee.
  • Prepare cocoa powder for topping.

Steps to process Dalgano Chocolatos coffee:

  1. Combine Chocolatos, cold water, sugar, and SP, beat with a mixer, or beat until smooth.
  2. Elsewhere, brew milk/coffee with warm water.
  3. Arrange ice cubes in a glass and give steeped milk or coffee then add dalgona chocolatos on top. Add a sprinkling of cocoa powder for a prettier look.
  4. The bottom arrangement can use milk/coffee. If you want it more delicious, you can use milk that is given dalgona, after stirring, add a little coffee.