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Adee Cake Typical Aceh

" Adee Cake Typical Aceh, Adee Cake Typical Aceh,how to make adee cake typical aceh"

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Adee Cake Typical Aceh

This Acehnese cake recipe that we will share this time comes from the Aceh province, more precisely from the Pidie Jaya district. Adee or biking has a very soft and fragrant texture and is suitable as a snack when relaxing anywhere.

It's not too difficult actually if you want to make this adee cake yourself at home. Because besides being more efficient by making your own, you also don't have to bother going to Aceh to just enjoy the delicacy of this cake.

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 Adee Cake Typical Aceh:

  • 1000 ml thick coconut milk
  • 600 grams of wheat flour
  • 500 grams of sugar
  • 10 duck eggs
  • 6 tablespoons of margarine we melt
  • teaspoon salt
  • teaspoon vanilla

how to make adee cake typical Aceh:

  1. Beat the eggs together with the sugar until they are really fluffy, then add the thick coconut milk, then beat again until smooth.
  2. Add the flour little by a little while stirring until smooth, add the melted butter, mix again until smooth.
  3. Prepare a baking sheet that has been smeared with margarine, then put the dough into the pan.
  4. Bake the cake in the oven until it is cooked and becomes solid, remove and cool. Cut according to taste.
  5. Serve this adee cake food to loved ones, it will be more afdhol coupled with a cup of gayo coffee.