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Natto Diet Recipes

"Ingredients,How to make,"

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Natto Diet Recipes

Natto Diet Recipes

Dalgano - Recipes Japan | Natto is sticky fermented soybeans, served with soy sauce, mustard Karachi and sliced green onions. Although natto has a pungent odor and doesn't look appetizing, it will have a positive effect on health because it's cholesterol-free, rich in B vitamins (especially B2 and B6), vitamins E and K, plus potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, protein, and potassium. many more.

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  • Soybeans

How to make:

  1. Soybeans are sorted first from the dirt in the form of remnants of stems, soybean leaves, sand, soil, damaged soybeans, and select soybeans with large and uniform sizes.
  2. Then washed and soaked for 12 hours so that hydration occurs and the size increases.
  3. Then steamed for 6 hours.
  4. After that, the temperature is allowed to drop, do not open it, so that there is no contamination with outside air, wait until 40 degrees, then inoculate with Bacillus substilis bacteria. Mix well.
  5. Incubate for 24 hours, so that the fermentation process occurs. The temperature is kept stable at 37-40 degrees. During the fermentation process, care must be taken not to be contaminated with other microbes. Contamination can occur from touching hands, or unsterilized tools, or being open for too long.
  6. Then after it cools down, the natto is put in the refrigerator for about 2-7 days.