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Nian Gao Chinese Recipes

"Ingredients,How to make,"

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Nian Gao Chinese Recipes

Nian Gao Chinese Recipes

Dalgano - China Food | Chinese dodol or also known as basket cake has another name, Nian Gao. This snack is a cake made from glutinous rice flour and sugar and also has a chewy and sticky texture.

Cakes are usually sold in the market before Chinese New Year, but you can also make your own at home with your favorite Chinese dodol recipe.

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  • 280 gr glutinous rice flour
  • 20 gr tapioca flour
  • 300 gr sugar
  • 300 ml of hot water
  • 5 pandan leaves
  • teaspoon salt

How to make:

  1. To make caramel, cook the sugar over low heat, stirring constantly until it is liquid and brown. After the sugar has melted enough, add enough hot water and add pandan leaves to add a special taste and aroma of pandan.
  2. Then when finished making the caramel, turn off the heat and discard the pandan leaves.
  3. After that, mix the glutinous rice flour and tapioca flour, and a little salt. Then, add the caramel mixture that was made earlier while stirring so that it doesn't clump. Another way to keep the dough from clumping is to sift the dough.
  4. Pour the dough into a bowl that has been greased with oil, then steam for 2 hours on medium heat. Wait until cooked. Once cooked, place the basket cake in a container for storage.