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How to Cook West Kalimantan's Typical Punai Bird Recipe

"West Kalimantan's typical punai bird recipeingredients:How to make:Dalgano - this time what we will try is the preparation of the Pontianak punai bird"

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West Kalimantan's typical punai bird recipe

Dalgano - this time what we will try is the preparation of the Pontianak punai bird, how to cook this punai bird is quite easy and everyone can certainly process it. the main ingredients are birds of prey and other spices.

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West Kalimantan's typical punai bird recipe

There are indeed many typical foods from Pontianak, some of which taste spicy, salty, sweet, savory and some of the dishes use gravy, dry, fried, and steamed. no wonder that many foods from Pontianak are unique and different from others, maybe some are almost the same, but from the presentation and also the recipe there are slight differences from other regions.


  • 12 punai birds
  • 24 cloves of garlic
  • 48 cloves of onion
  • 24 candlenuts
  • 12 segments of turmeric
  • 24 bay leaves
  • 12 lemongrass stalks
  • Enough water
  • Salt to taste

How to make:

  1. The first puree is the onion, garlic, turmeric, candlenut. then dissolve it with enough water, add a little salt, also enter the bay leaf and lemongrass to add flavor and freshness to the seasoning.
  2. The second after the marinade is ready, enter the bird of prey, boil for 40 minutes until the spices seep into the meat, then remove and drain the bird of prey.
  3. Third, prepare hot oil in a frying pan, fry the parrots until they are brown, and use medium heat to fry them to perfectly cook.
  4. The fourth when it is cooked, remove and serve with warm white rice and chili sauce